Beeing nearsighted I enabled Double size. The video settings are in Settings -> VIC-II settings. I tried to set the sample rate to 44100Hz in Settings -> Sound settings but that causes VICE to crash. If you don't have a keypad, use Define keysets, then assign one of the keyset to the joystick and make sure Allow keyset joystick is checked before using your virtual joystick. Real joysticks can only be used on linux, but nowadays, who has one? Most games use only one joystick, that one in port 2. SettingsTo emulate a virtual joystick using the keyboard numpad go to Settings -> Joystick settings -> Joystick device in port 2 -> Numpad. If you always want to run che C64 emulator without further asking, rename this icon to 圆4. LaunchingUpon launching it will ask which emulator to run.
This installs the VICE executable only.įull installationUse this installation method If you also want to keep a copy of the VICE manual and other technical documents: create a new VICE directory in your Applications folder (/Applications) and copy all files from the virtual disk image (vice-macosx-gtk-ub-*.dmg) there. Minimal installJust drag and drop the VICE icon into your Application folder. Under Mac OS X until the native Cocoa UI version becomes stable prefer the Gtk+ port, which is complete. Download VICE (VersatIle Commodore Emulator).