In the simplicity studio I set the toolchain location to C: SiliconLabs SimplicityStudio v2 developer toolchains keil_8051 9.51b. One limited older version on path c: keil c51 and the unlimited one on path C: SiliconLabs SimplicityStudio v2 developer toolchains keil_8051 9.51b.
I have got two versions of the Keil C51 on my computer. You have selected a device where no toolchain has been installed. Discussion in 'Software' started by hiabcwelcome. Inteligencia Emocional Libro Daniel Goleman Pdf. Device selected where no toolchain has been installed Martin Price Hi, i was wondering if someone could help me as i have just installed keil and when i try to compile my project or open it i recieve an error(see bottom), informing me that the device i have selected dosen't have a tool chain installed.